Our Worthy Brief is a daily Christian newsletter designed to encourage, inform, and edify believers in their daily walk with God. Our online Christian magazine incorporates our daily devotional (Worthy Devotions) along news from around the world provided by our Christian News service, Worthy News.

Worthy Brief - Christian Newsletter » Newsletters » 2016 » January » Worthy Brief - 1/27/2016

Worthy Brief - 1/27/2016

Friend, who is truly your enemy?

Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

A story is told of Peter Miller, a plain Baptist preacher of Pennsylvania, in the days of the Revolutionary War. Near his church, lived a man who maligned the pastor to the last degree. The man became involved in treason and was arrested and sentenced to be hanged. The preacher started out on foot and walked the entire way to Philadelphia roughly seventy miles away to plead for the man's life. George Washington heard his plea, but he said, "No, your plea for your friend cannot be granted." "My friend!" said the preacher. "He is the worst enemy I have." "What!" said Washington, "you have walked nearly seventy miles to save the life of an enemy? That puts the matter in a different light. I will grant the pardon."

Like this precious pastor, although we don't go out looking for enemies, we somehow seem to acquire them just by doing the work of the Lord! Many of you know how many times we've been attacked by hackers since we moved to Israel. These people probably spend weeks -- not hours, not days -- but weeks or even more trying to figure out pass codes and configurations in order to destroy our sites and all the work of the Lord going on there! It can be extremely upsetting to see someone steal away years of your hard work like that. You just want to know who?! and why?! and what did I do to deserve this?!

Last Thursday and Friday, quite a few people sent emails asking where their Worthy Brief was. Last Wednesday night, hackers hijacked my email credentials and sent out 300,000 spam messages in my name! This happened just before a speaking engagement in California. Even though our servers were never hacked into, hackers were able use my good name to send spam -- in essence using my good reputation in order to flood the web with spam.

I'm sure many of you are experiencing your share of enemy assaults too and can relate to what I'm saying! But how should we react to these assailants? Should we curse them and hunt them down to get our revenge? This pastor had every earthly right to be satisfied with this man's sentence. After all, this man probably destroyed his reputation -- perhaps even his entire ministry! But this wise pastor saw right through the man. He realized that the offense committed did not originate with the man who slandered him. This man was merely a pawn in the hands of a cruel and crafty adversary, Satan himself. Clearly, it's our ultimate enemy, Satan, who is out to slander us, to steal from us, hurt us, lie, kill and destroy us and he'll use any means possible to do it.

In the same way, we must realize who is truly our enemy and come against him the best way we can -- determine to press forward for God's Kingdom even more than before!

Friend, when we strive to do the work of the Lord, we will undoubtedly gain some enemies! But we must ambush our archenemy who is manipulating these people and situations! How? By praying more! Learning the word more! Sharing the Gospel more! Forgiving more! Becoming wiser and stronger in the Lord! Becoming more like Yeshua (Jesus)! Press forward toward the Kingdom of God today -- your great reward will be with Him!

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah
Los Angeles, California

Editor's Note: We hope to see you on our travels across the United States. Check out our schedule online.

Editor's Note: If you missed us in the States, then you can watch a typical message being preached across the States online!

Today's Breaking News
Around the World
US says prepared for military solution against ISIS in Syria
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday that the United States and Turkey were prepared for a military solution against Islamic State in Syria should the Syrian government and rebels fail to reach a political settlement.
Islamic State setting up terror training camps in Europe, police agency warns
Terror group Isil has set up secret training camps across Europe to prepare fighters to carry out 'special forces style' attacks in the UK or other EU countries, Europol has warned.
Pope Francis meets Iranian president Rouhani to promote cooperation, nuke deal, religious freedom
For the first time in nearly 20 years, the pope and the president of Iran met face-to-face on Tuesday to discuss significant matters that affect both leaders in today's evolving geopolitical and religious landscape.
New documentary on Saudi royal family centers on sex, drugs and murder
A new documentary based on the account of an ex-wife of the late Saudi King Fahd bin Abdulaziz al-Saud portrays a lurid story of the royal Saudi family, centered on drugs, sex, gambling, corruption and murder, according to Internet publication middleeasteye.net earlier this week.
Khamenei: God delivered US sailors into our hands
Iran's supreme leader said divine forces had delivered American sailors into the hands of his country's naval forces.
ISIS Has Whole Fake Passport 'Industry,' Official Says
The terror group ISIS has created a whole 'industry' out of the production of fake passports, a high-level French official said today.
ISIS planning 'special forces-style' attacks in Europe, report says
Europe should be prepared for more of the ruthless and coordinated attacks that ISIS carried out in Paris last year, officials say. The militant group is planning more large-scale, 'special forces-style' assaults that don't even necessarily need to be coordinated from Syria.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
IDF preparing for possible war on northern, Gaza borders
According to IDF estimations, the likelihood of Israel initiating a war in the next year remains low, both due to the turmoil in the Middle East which is keeping many of Israel's enemies busy, and because of Israel's current deterrence abilities. Even so, the likelihood of a severe incident leading to an escalation and even a war has increased, and is being described by the IDF as 'moderate.' This is due to the tension along Israel's borders, especially the ones in the north and near the Gaza Strip.
Canada to send 'tough message' on violence to ally Israel
Canada's new Liberal government said on Monday it was delivering a 'tough message' to Israel as a good friend after expressing concern about Israeli-Palestinian violence, Israeli settlements and unilateral Palestinian moves.
PA threatens to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria
The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Monday blasted Israel for its 'settlement attack' and threatened to force a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria on Israel.
Israeli economy experienced deflation in 2015
The Israeli economy is experiencing major deflation, the latest figures showed, with prices falling by one percent in 2015.
Netanyahu accuses Ban Ki-moon of 'encouraging terror'
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has strongly condemned remarks made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in which the UN chief expressed sympathy for Palestinian terrorist attacks.

Inside the United States
Planned Parenthood-linked prosecutor fuels bias charges over pro-life indictments
Pro-life groups cried foul over Monday's criminal indictments against two Center for Medical Progress investigators because a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney's office is also a Planned Parenthood board member.
1 dead, Bundy brothers arrested as Oregon standoff ends in gunfight
One Oregon militant is dead and six have been arrested after FBI and Oregon State Police officials pulled over their vehicles Tuesday following a three-week stand-off at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Signs of return to normalcy in snow-bound Washington
Washington limped back to life Tuesday after the blizzard that blanketed the US East Coast, with public transport service improving, warmish weather aiding snow clean-up operations and city schools scheduled to reopen.

U.S. Politics
Trump won't participate in Fox debate
Republican front-runner Donald Trump's campaign said Tuesday he will not participate in the upcoming GOP presidential debate in Des Moines.
Clinton Explains How Christianity Has Guided Her Politics
In an unusual meditation on her Christian faith, Hillary Clinton told a small crowd in rural Iowa on Monday afternoon how her belief in God has helped guide her politics and criticized those who use Christianity to 'condemn so quickly' and 'judge so harshly.'
GOP donors start anti-Trump barrage
A super PAC aimed at stopping Donald Trump is putting its money where the Republican Party's mouth has been for months. The ad, which focuses on Trump's liberal positions of the past and of the present, dovetails with a recent television and online barrage from groups supporting Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
Cruz, allies launch anti-Trump ad blitz in bid to reclaim Iowa lead
Ted Cruz is mounting an aggressive effort to regain his Iowa lead, joining backers in an ad blitz against front-runner Donald Trump that casts him as an out-of-touch liberal, while Trump barnstorms the state to make final arguments before Monday's caucuses.

Christian News
Kenya to institute repressive religious regulations
Pastors are opposing new government regulations aimed at 'gagging and muzzling' the Christians in Kenya.
Noah's Ark Park Wins Court Battle Over Tourism Tax Incentive
A religious group building a massive Noah's Ark tourist attraction in Kentucky has won a legal battle over the state's withdrawal of a potential tax incentive worth millions.
Rubio Not Only Candidate With 'Billy Graham' Evangelicals, Cruz Campaign Says
Republican U.S. presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum pray at the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa November 20, 2015.
Christian pastor Saeed Abedini breaks silence after being freed in prisoner swap with Iran
The Christian pastor who was freed in a prisoner swap with Iran described his harrowing experience Monday in an 'On The Record' exclusive with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.