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Worthy Brief - 9/10/2024

Friend, God still speaks today!

Revelation 2:7 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."

The place we call home in Israel is in the rebuilt city of Arad, an ancient city rebuilt in 1962 near the historic site of Tel Arad. It was the first planned city in Israel.

Tel Arad was an ancient fortress, which has been destroyed and rebuilt at least ten times, according to archaeologists. The citadel was thought to have originally been built during the times of King David and Solomon. The Negev desert’s arid conditions have remarkably preserved the fortress's archaeological layers, providing a continuous record of its history for hundreds of years.

One of the most significant discoveries within the ruins of Tel Arad is the only Israelite temple ever found in an archaeological dig. Inside, the site you can see an Israelite altar and two limestone incense altars, which once stood at the entrance of the Holy of Holies.

This Israelite temple (high place) remained perfectly preserved, and archaeologists attribute its destruction to the reforms of King Hezekiah.

During his reign, Hezekiah removed the idolatrous cults and destroyed the high places throughout Judah (2 Chronicles 32:11-12; 2 Kings 18:4; 2 Kings 18:22; Isaiah 36:7).

The high place at Tel Arad was buried beneath a layer of dirt, with great respect shown in the process—both incense altars were laid on their sides before the entire structure was covered, effectively erasing the memory of the temple from history until excavations began on the Tel in the 1960s.

Some believe this final burial may have occurred during the reign of King Josiah (2 Kings 23:1-37). Regardless of the exact timing, worship at the high place came to an end.

Fast forward to the present day, and recent scientific techniques have shed new light on this ancient site.

In 2021, as Israel’s Knesset debated the decriminalization of cannabis, researchers revealed that the incense altars at the Tel Arad temple contained traces of cannabis, frankincense, and dung.

Astonishingly, the very place God commanded to be destroyed for its idolatry—what Hezekiah referred to as a "high place"—was indeed a literal "high place."

Just months before the Israeli government debated the cannabis question, God provided the answer through archaeology: "Bury the habit!" The cannabis used in the ancient temple produced a counterfeit high, unlike the true euphoria that comes from being in the presence of God and worshipping Him.

Friend, while many argue that the Bible doesn’t address modern issues, we are constantly surrounded by evidence that God continues to answer even the most challenging questions of our time — because God is still speaking to us today! The real question is … "are we attentively listening?"

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Missouri)
(Layfayette, Indiana)

Editor's Note: Feel free to share any of our content from Worthy, including Devotions, News articles, and more, on your social platforms. You have full permission to copy and repost anything we produce.

Editor's Note: During this war, we have been live blogging throughout the day -- sometimes minute by minute on our Telegram channel. Be sure to check it out!

Editor's Note: Dear friends — we are now booking in the following states. Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee! If you know Rabbis, Pastors or Leaders who might be interested in powerful Israeli style Hebrew/English worship and a refreshing word from Worthy News about what’s going on in the land, please let us know how to connect with them and we will do our best to get you on our schedule! You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.

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Israel-Palestinian Conflict
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Inside the United States
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Worthy Insights
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