Worthy Brief - Christian Newsletter » Newsletters » 2020 » September » Worthy Brief - 9/4/2020

Worthy Brief - 9/4/2020

Friend, which would you choose?

Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

We came across this story, about a man who was slowly losing his memory. After a lengthy examination, the doctor said that a risky operation on his brain might reverse his condition and restore his memory. However, the surgery would be so delicate that a nerve could be severed, causing total blindness.

The surgeon asked, "So, which would you rather have, your sight or your memory?" The man pondered the question for a while and replied, "My sight, because I would rather see where I am going than remember where I have been."

Our enemy is always trying to dig up the past and keep us all bound up in our failures. But be encouraged! Today is a new day! Today and every day we have a choice to make! Like Paul, we must choose to press forward and put aside our past. We must purpose to keep our eyes on the Lord, not on our successes or failures, but upon on what can we do for Him today!

Friend, be free from the shackles of the past! Keep your eyes on the prize!

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah
Baltimore, Maryland

Editor's Note: YouTube Special: Middle East Peace, Secret Meetings, Kushner, the Saudis, the city called Nome ... and your calling!

Editor's Note: YouTube Special: Civil War and the Demise of the Democratic Party? We are now at a Nivevah moment ... how will the nation respond -- is it as in the days of Jonah or Nahum?

Editor's Note: We will be in the PA, MD, VA and DC area for the entire month of September. Please contact george [a] worthyministries.com for more information.

Around the World
Slovakia Acquits Suspects In Slayings Of Journalist and Fiancée
Leading journalism groups have condemned a court in Slovakia for acquitting main suspects in the 2018 slayings of an investigative journalist and his fiancée.
Trump cancels $62M of US funding for World Health Organization
President Trump’s administration is reassigning the Department of Health and Human Services officials detailed to the World Health Organization and redirecting American funding to other organizations as he cuts ties with the global health agency.
Australian study finds honey bee venom can destroy breast cancer
A pioneering new study in Australia has shown that breast cancer cells can be quickly destroyed by the venom of honey bees, Study Finds reports. Dr. Ciara Duffy from the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in Western Australia has published a study in which she reports that honey bee venom not only destroys several kinds of breast cancer but also blocks the ability of cancerous cells to reproduce.
Italian study: 30% lower in-hospital death rate for COVID-19 patients on hydroxychloroquine
Italian researchers have found that COVID-19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine in Italy had a 30% lower in-hospital death rate compared to those who did not receive the medicine, Study Finds reports. Researchers from IRCCS Neuromed at the Mediterranean Neurological Institute studied 3,451 patients in 33 coronavirus-focused hospitals across Italy. The results were published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine.

Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Remains of Majestic First-Temple Era Building in Jerusalem
Israeli archaeologists unveiled a rare collection of column heads from the First Temple period at the Armon Hanatziv promenade in Jerusalem.
Abbas meets Hamas, Islamic Jihad terror heads, says he won’t engage with US plan
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas hosted a meeting in Ramallah Thursday night which included the leaders of terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Abbas urges Arabs not to normalize ties with Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday called on the Arab countries to abide by the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and refrain from normalizing their relations with Israel.

Inside the United States
U.S. Justice Department Monitoring Antifa Over Escalating Violence
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has confirmed that the Justice Department monitors the protest movement Antifa amid concerns about escalating violence across the nation. "I've talked to every police chief in every city where there has been major violence. And they all have identified Antifa as the ramrod for the violence," Barr told U.S. broadcaster CNN.
U.S. trade deficit surged in July to highest in 12 years
The U.S. trade deficit surged in July to $63.6 billion, the highest level in 12 years, as imports jumped by a record amount.
Trump campaign bracing for legal battle over election, forming ‘coalition’ of lawyers
The Trump campaign is bracing for the possibility of a protracted legal battle in the event of a contested election, even forming what it's calling a “Lawyers for Trump” coalition to “protect the integrity” of November’s vote.
Trump takes fight to battlegrounds as electoral map comes into focus
President Trump brought $5 million in federal aid for an airport runway in Pennsylvania on Thursday, plus nearly $50 million this week to fight street violence in Wisconsin and the designation of a North Carolina town as a World War II “heritage city,” as he and Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden narrow their campaigns to a baker’s dozen of battleground states that will decide the election.
'In God We Trust': New Mississippi Flag Focuses on God and Magnolia Symbol
Mississippi voters will decide whether to accept a new state flag with a magnolia to replace an old one legislators retired under pressure because it included the Confederate battle emblem that’s widely seen as racist.
Court rules NSA surveillance program exposed by Snowden violated law but upholds terror convictions
A federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday that a key aspect of the mass surveillance program exposed by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden was illegal, but it did not reach a conclusion on its constitutionality.
California Passes Bill to Soften Criminal Penalties for LGBT Adults Who Have Sex with Minors
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NYC Restaurants Sue Cuomo, De Blasio For $2 Billion Over Indoor Dining Ban
Restaurants in New York City filed a $2 billion class-action lawsuit against city and state officials on Thursday, alleging the indoor dining ban caused “irreparable harm” to the city’s food and beverage industry and pushing for the return to indoor dining — the lawsuit marks the latest attempt to normalize the city through legal action.
Appeals court rules NSA phone data collection illegal; upholds convictions
A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled it was illegal for the National Security Agency to collect data on Americans' phone calls, but upheld the terror convictions of four Somali immigrants who challenged the now-defunct intelligence program.

Christian News
Survey: 30% of Evangelicals don’t believe Jesus is God
According to preliminary results of the 2020 State of Theology survey, 30% of Evangelicals and over 50% of all American adults do not believe Jesus is God, the Christian Post reports. The poll was conducted from March 10 to 18 among 3,002 US adults including 630 professing evangelicals. The final report is expected to be published on September 8.
Wycliffe Associates Provides Technology to Keep Projects Moving Forward Despite Coronavirus Restrictions
Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is providing computer tablets and virtual tools to help mother-tongue translators continue their work in spite of COVID-19 and oppression from anti-Christian authorities.
Discover Blocks Credit Card Donations To Christian Site Collecting For Alleged Teen Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse
Discover, one of the nation’s top credit card issuers, told Forbes it has blocked its users’ ability to make any donations on the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo which has raised more than $380,000 for accused Kenosha teen shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, who has garnered support from the far-right as a national debate rages on vigilante justice.
Aid Workers: ‘Hundreds of Christians Slaughtered In Ethiopia’
Muslim militants have killed hundreds of Christians, including pregnant women, children, and whole families in Ethiopia's most populous regional state, aid workers told Worthy News Wednesday.